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Cronjobs Documentation

The application uses Flask-Celery with Redis to manage and execute cronjobs. A separate cronjob container is responsible for scheduling these tasks, which are defined in a crontab file. The cronjobs communicate with the Flask API and can be triggered either on schedule or manually via API requests.

Cronjob Setup

The cronjobs are managed by a dedicated container containing a crontab file that schedules API requests to the Flask app. The cronjobs can also be triggered manually by sending a request to the /cronjob API endpoint.

Triggering Cronjobs

To trigger a cronjob via the API, send a request to the cronjob endpoint using the format:


For example, to import biosamples, the endpoint would be:


Current Cronjobs

Below are the currently available cronjobs and their respective API keys:

  1. Biosamples

    • Import Biosamples:
      API Key: biosamples/import
      Function: biosamples.import_biosamples_from_project_names
    • Get Biosamples Derived From Parent:
      API Key: biosamples/derived_from
      Function: biosamples.get_biosamples_derived_from_parent
    • Get Biosample Parents:
      API Key: biosamples/parents
      Function: biosamples.get_biosample_parents
  2. Experiments

    • Import Experiments:
      API Key: experiments/import
      Function: experiments.get_experiments_from_bioproject_accession
  3. Assemblies

    • Import Assemblies by Bioproject:
      API Key: assemblies/import
      Function: assemblies.import_assemblies_by_bioproject
    • Add Blobtoolkit Link:
      API Key: assemblies/blob_link
      Function: assemblies.add_blob_link
  4. Helpers

    • Handle Orphan Organisms:
      API Key: helpers/handle_orphans
      Function: taxonomy.handle_orphan_organisms
    • Add Lineage to Models:
      API Key: helpers/add_lineage
      Function: taxonomy.add_lineage
  5. Geolocation

    • Create Coordinates from Local Samples:
      API Key: geo_locations/create_from_local_samples
      Function: geolocation.create_local_sample_coordinates
    • Create Coordinates from Biosamples:
      API Key: geo_locations/create_from_biosamples
      Function: geolocation.create_biosample_coordinates
    • Update All Countries:
      API Key: geo_locations/create_countries
      Function: geolocation.update_all_countries